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Macintosh Picture Format  |  1989-04-12  |  555KB  |  639x825  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: airplane | cabinet | car | computer | crt screen | desk | dirt | earth | grass | plaything | sand | sky
OCR: Apple Workstation Card Overview The Apple I Workstation Card Apple IIe users can print to net This card also includes a built-in and the AppleShare Ile work printers and share informa super serial port for direct con- station software included with it tion stored on AppleShare file nection to serial devices such as give users at enhanced Apple le servers Atthe same time other ImageWriter printers computers access to AppleShare Apple II, Macintosh and MS The Apple Workstation Card file servers, network printers DOS users have the ability to is ideally suited the require (such as the Apple LaserWriter access folders (directories), ments users in educational and ImageWriter) and Apple- documents applications, and environments who to share Share print servers The Apple II storage space. And lu ...